The Steve Jones Memorial RR

Hue Owen, Bevon Humphreys, Dave Parry, Alan Broadbent, Paul Thursfield, Mike Twelves & Ian Moore  winners at the TLI Cycling event, Steve Jones Memorial RR

The Steve Jones Memorial RR

This is a long-standing event on the TLI calendar as a memorial for a much loved Deeside Olympic club mate. I’ve always felt that the event marks a transition from the spring racing to the summer season.

It also seems quite a fitting moment to thank those organisers, clubs and teams who have stepped up to the mark in the early season to promote events for us. Chris Quinn, Chris Vaughan, Wayne Owen, Patrick Schills, The Lincoln TTs, The North Midlands League and the IOM racing to name but a few. Your efforts are much appreciated.

So today’s race had forecasted thunderstorms which after Wednesdays deluge on this circuit thankfully stayed away till the afternoon. In fact the conditions were near perfect and with a near full field of 80 riders each race was raced hard and results well earned.

Roadworks on the circuit meant the riders went straight on at the second roundabout which slightly shortened the race distances of 60. 60 and 50 for the three races. The finish was the tough quarry climb.

Photos to follow.


1st Hue Owen Energy CC
2nd Kirk Vickers Holohan Coaching
3rd Matthew Wales Wrexham Fibrax

A cat
1st Bevon Humphereys VC Melyd
2nd Chris Shuker

B Cat
1st Dave Parry Anglesey Cycling Group
2nd Paul Allen Casp RD
3rd Dave Burrows Standish CC

C cat
1st Alan Broadbent GWRT
2nd Paul Dring Echelon RT
3rd William Turner Jhoveth Lee Ovary Racing

D Cat
1st Paul Thursfield GWRT
2nd Andy Bennett Fit 360
3rd Mike Bell New Brighton

E cat
1st Mike Twelves Team Ohten Aveas
2nd John Crook Bott CT
3rd Steve Davies Bioracer

F cat
1st Ian Moore Ruthin CC
2nd Geoff Rawlinson Manchester BC
3rd Paul Mason Velo 6 Racing


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