Chorley GP Countdown – Ian Bibby


A new team, a new motivation and after a winter in Australia, NFTO’s Ian Bibby is looking to get back to his best again in 2015

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Chorley GP Countdown – Ian Bibby

One of the favourites for the Chorley Grand Prix on Saturday is NFTO’s new signing for 2015, Ian Bibby. After spending three days doing a recce of the Tour of Yorkshire where the riders did at least 6,000 metres of climbing, Ian followed that up by winning the hilly Capenwray road race.


Winning the Capenwary Road Race last weekend

Talking about the race on the NFTO’s team’s website, Ian says of that victory, “It was a wet cold race and the attacking started almost straight away. I tried to follow everything I could because I was out numbered with a full one pro cycling squad at the race and three Madison riders”.

“It was a hard, hilly course so I used that to my advantage and managed to make the final selection of four riders fighting for the win on the last lap. It finished up a 1km climb so I waited till the last 200-300m and launched my sprint and took the win. I’m very happy with my form ahead of the first premier next week in Chorley.”


During a chat with VeloUK in the weeks before that race, Ian says that he’s looking forward to getting back on track with NFTO. “It feels here like it did in my Motorpoint days when I had my best years” he says of his move to a new team. “I’m working for someone who is passionate about the sport and does it for the love of cycling” Ian adds in reference to the NFTO team boss, John Wood.

After the end of last season, Ian jetted off to Thailand for a holiday before going on to Australia to start a winter training in the sun before returning in February for the team training camps.

“I went out there to get some sun during the winter and make sure I got a solid winter in this year and set myself up for the season instead of being at home and getting the training disrupted by the weather. I got to know a good group of lads out there and was going out at 5 or 6 in the morning and doing a good few hours”.

“I knew a lad there (Nerang on the Gold Coast) from Preston (NW England) who used to race and he introduced me to lads there. Every Tuesday and Thursday there’d be twenty lads who’d meet up and do a speed run and finish at a café. I’d then go off and do a few more hours”.


Ian climbing out of Otley on a recce of stage 3 of the Tour of Britain.

Whilst racing on the road in the winter is not something the Brits are used to, it is something the Aussies do and that gives the visitors like Ian the chance to get some racing in. Ian explained that doing things like some local events on the Gold Coast and the Bay Crits was so long ago that it feels like last season and as such, doesn’t affect his motivation for the 2015 season.

“I thought whilst I am out there, doing the Bay Crits would be good to do and give me something to aim for to keep the head in the game. They are hard races for sure but different to ours. I don’t think any crits can be as hard as the Tour Series though. Greenedge were there at the Bay Crits so there was more control and they made it hard to win for sure.”

“I wasn’t doing a lot of intensity in training at the time though because of the time of year. I have a coach this winter for the first time in years and years so have been sticking to what Jon (Trainsharp) has been telling me. I was doing a lot of miles and there was a 40 minute climb near where I was staying (Springbrook) so some of the days, I’d ride out there, do a steady effort and then ride home which was a good three or four hours”.

Having ridden the very same roads that Ian was doing back in my youth with the Aussie national team, they are certainly good ones to use for training and his climbing certainly seems to be in good nick which will come in handy at Chorley where there is a long climb early on each lap. Ian will have some strong climbers alongside him at NFTO like another new rider in the colours, Eddie Dunbar.


Happy days… winning the Tour of Reservoir when with Motorpoint.

Ian says that here’s lots of motivation being with a new team and asked where his ambitions lie in 2015, Ian replies “trying to be more consistent really. Having a coach, I’m looking to get the balance right in racing and training. It is a good year to have a good a season with all the racing we have here now so I just want to get back to winning Premiers and Tour Series races.”

Does Ian have a preference for what he wins? “Not really, I just want to win something so I don’t think I can afford to be picky!” he replies.

Ian admits that the last few years have not been the best and last year was probably the worst he has had. “The last two or three years have been up and down but hopefully I can get back to where I was as everything is good this year”.


Ian says the harder a course is the better for him it will be as he feels his strength is climbing and then sprinting from a small group. He’s certainly shown that in races like the Tour of Britain with a second on a stage in that race to eventual overall winner Albasini after some tough climbing at the back end of a stage and a 4th as well on a similar style of stage.

Asked for specific targets, Ian says he just wants to hit the season well, have some luck and get going and then think about targets. After his win last week at Capenwray, and being a local rider for the Chorley GP, I can’t help but think that Chorley will be a target and it would be so good to see Ian back to his winning best.

Good luck for the race on Saturday!

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