Ed Clancy – Win number 7 in Tour Series


Whilst the record number of wins isn’t a target, Ed Clancy was still very pleased to win last Friday in Aberystwyth 

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Ed Clancy – Win number 7 in Tour Series

After three very hilly rounds in the Pearl Izumi 2015 Tour Series, the last one in Aberystwyth (Wales) was flattish as is the next one on Tuesday in Motherwell (Scotland). Well, not as hilly as the first two anyway and certainly nothing like Durham on Thursday!


These sort of courses are more suited to the sprinters in the race and the one on Tuesday in Scotland will have something for the sprinters and those who like some gradient to go upwards on .

In Aberystwyth, it was wet and it was also brutal but whilst he was being attacked over and over, Ed Clancy (JLT Condor) clung on for grim death in the same way I saw him do at Redditch. His experience at being at the front and following the right wheels helped him too and that last move to duck inside Tom Stewart was the mark of some one who knows how to win a bike race on that circuit.

Ed won his first race in the Tour Series in 2009 and the double Olympic champion went on to win his third race at Aberystwyth (7 in all) on Friday and what a victory it was. These races are far far from easy and to win, not only did Ed have to withstand all the pressure from Madison Genesis and One Pro Cycling’s Jon Mould, but also get round the corners which caught out some of the best in the business.

He has some bottle to do what is needed to win these races! Early on in the race, the TV picked up Ed going sideways and yet he still pushed on.


Every corner I stood on, I saw faces on riders focused ten tenths on getting round the bends safely as well as quickly and the intensity in the racing especially watched live is something to behold for anyone who loves a good bike race.

And at the end of it, there was a good old sprint for the line won by Ed Clancy who said afterwards he was very happy with the victory and why wouldn’t he be.

It was his third win on the circuit in Wales but when it was put to him that this must be a great circuit for him, he replied “Yes, but I have had some bad races here as well and remember last year when I was in a box from the start in similar weather conditions”.


When four riders slipped away, Ed was among them showing that the form is certainly there.

“I felt more on it on Friday and was cornering better which is key because you need to be able carry corner speed, start at the front and stay at the front”.
“The first three rounds have been hilly so I was excited at having a flattish race for a change. I was well up for it and looking forward to having a try more than anything else. I noticed early on it was whittling down, whittling down, and Madison were super strong there”.

“They really had control of the race and I was just trying to stay with them boys really. Tom Stewart was particularly strong and if I could stick with him, I was never going to be too far from the front. The last few laps were real hard work with Jon Mould and Tom (Stewart) being far stronger than me but I knew having been here before, if I could get into the last corner first, I should be alright”.

“I nearly over did it and crashed but that’s racing. I kept it upright though so am really pleased with the victory”.


The season so far has not been brilliant for JLT Condor and that’s more to do with them having been so successful over the years and matching that success is never easy. They were so brilliant in 2014, they were deserved winners of the series.

The win by Clancy helps put them back in the mix in 2015. “Everyone knows it has not been a great year for the team and hopefully this will give us all a bit of confidence”.

“It was good to see Graham Briggs back feeling much better. I know he had some issues in Aberystwyth but we’ll take some confidence from this into the next few rounds and start enjoying our racing again”.


Aberystwyth and Ed is on the wheel of Team Wiggins rider Chris Lawless as he attacks. The fact Ed was able to soak up all these attacks and then win puts him as one of the favourites for the flatter circuits to come in the Tour Series

Finally, Ed a few years ago in 2013 overtook the record of Dean Downing for the most Individual wins and in 2014, Jon Mould added to his record of wins and added another in Redditch. Was Ed spurred on by Jon getting closer to his record?

“No, not at all was the reply. Mouldy has more years in him than I have so I fully expect him to beat my record at some point but for me it’s just nice to get a win. I’m not chasing records and every time the circuit is good for me, I’ll try and have a go at a win”.

Ed has been winning in the Tour Series since 2009 since the season began:
— Tour Series 2009 – 1st Round 6 – Southport
— Tour Series 2011 – 1st Round 2 – Aberystwyth
— Tour Series 2012 – 1st Round 6 – Peterborough
— Tour Series 2013 – 1st Round 4 – Aberystwyth
— Tour Series 2013 – 1st Round 5 – Torquay
— Tour Series 2013 – 1st Round 9 – Woking
— Tour Series 2015 – 1st Round 3 Aberystwyth

Who knows, the circuit at Motherwell tomorrow (Tuesday) is flattish and not as technical as many are so could well end in a bunch kick which will suit Ed Clancy but then it will also suit many others as well! It all adds up to being a battle between the aggressors and those who want it to stay together for the sprint. That means it will, be brutal!

Like every other round of the Pearl Izumi Tour Series, Tuesday night promises to be a real humdinger so if in the area, get yourself on the barriers and watch the speed of these pros, the best in the world, battle it out to be first across the line and the best team on the night

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